Puente sobre el Riachuelo, Buenos Aires - Bridge on the Riachuelo Buenos Aires 1911
Puente sobre el Riachuelo, Buenos Aires - Bridge on the Riachuelo Buenos Aires 1911
Texto en la fotografía: Total length: 53m.00 - Number of spans: 3 - Width of road: 6m,00 - Material of the abutments and piers: abutments of wood; concrete piers - Cost of works: $50,000 m/n, - Delivered to public service: february 1911 BNA_FO006622_68
Biblioteca Nacional
“Puente sobre el Riachuelo, Buenos Aires - Bridge on the Riachuelo Buenos Aires 1911,” Centro Documental de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo, consulta 25 de febrero de 2025, https://centrodocumental.acumar.gob.ar/items/show/620.
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